The diet you are following will either make or break you!
A balanced diet will help you maintain a healthy body as well as reflects positively on your daily performance.
Good nutrition is an important aspect of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases and promote your overall health.
Whether you are an athlete, a regular gym goer, or a person who just like to maintain a healthy body having a well-rounded diet that fits your needs is a major player towards your goal.
Many people find it hard to eat healthy and try to maintain a balance in their life, especially with the fast pace life we live. The best advice I can give you is start with small steps.
Small changes lead to bigger ones that will have a positive impact on your diet and your own life.
Start By Writing Down Everything You Eat And Drink On Daily Basis. Such A Step Is Very Important. Why?
After the day is done, you`ll sit for 5 min scan your food journal. Look at what you ate today, hold yourself accountable if you ate some high calorie food or ate some fast fried food. That will be highlighted on your journal and you will remember that so you won`t do such a mistake again. Since your goal is to get healthier.
Another important step and many do not follow is. Reading food labels well. What do we mean by that? Do not only read the kcal and then skip. Make sure you check the ingredients well; often times there are many preservatives that you do not want to put in your body. Check the amount of sugar and sodium content, types of fat in the product. Pick the healthier food for you and your goal.
Think Of Your Goals Before You Eat. Will That Food Help Me Be Closer To My Goal? Is That Food Needed In My Diet?
Do not find an excuse or look for justification for a cheat meal. Stick your diet plan and stay in your lane. Often people ask their nutritionist or dietitian for the cheat meal before they get close to their goal. That is a wrong way of thinking and if you see a diet that depriving then know that any person won't be able to stay on such a diet for long term and such a diet is not healthy.
I am not a fan of the term `cheat meal` because a balanced diet will always provide you with what your body need and you won't crave unneeded types of food that can negatively affect your body and delay you from reaching your goal or even performing well at your training.
Fix the bad habits and replace them with good ones. Human beings live by habits. Look at your lifestyle and what led you to where you are. Try to identify the unhealthy habits, like: sleeping late. Eating processed food, change those habits to good ones that will get you to live a healthy life style.
Always Aim For High Protein, You Can Live Without Carbohydrates But You Can't Live Without Protein.
A common misinformation is people think protein is only for muscles and a lot of protein can have bad effect on your health. That is not correct at all. In fact any person, who is highly active on daily bases, will need more protein/amino acids to help his body recover and perform well.
The RDA for protein right now is low and does not help a normal person to stay in a decent body fat level. As for athletes you will definitely need to be on high protein.
The diet that you are following has a huge impact on your performance. Let us take an example a boxer and a long distance runner. Those two athletes are high performance on daily bases until the contest day comes. If they do not eat well, take the right supplements, sleep well to recover.
Now that you know how important is to follow a healthy diet. Start today and do not wait for a signal to save your health and save yourself from paying high medical bills.
Eating clean and healthy is not expensive; paying for medicine and hospitals is more expensive.